Preventative care should be the primary focus of your elderly care efforts. As an elder care provider it is your responsibility to make sure that your aging loved one is as healthy and happy as possible, which relies not just on reacting to issues that arise, but being proactive and making sure that your aging loved one’s health is always managed to the best of your ability.

An annual elderly care check-up is one of the best ways that you can make sure that he is at his healthiest throughout the year. While seniors are more prone to developing a variety of medical conditions, many of these conditions can be much more effectively managed, or even eliminated, if caught very early. Having elderly care check-ups at least once a year allows your loved one’s physician to thoroughly evaluate him and run a series of appropriate tests to detect health concerns that may have just emerged and monitor the progress of existing conditions.

Proactive elderly care is also about paying attention to the progress of any medical conditions that your loved one is currently coping with and evaluating the effectiveness of any treatments and management plans that are in place. Many of the medical conditions that seniors cope with are progressive, meaning that they will change and worsen over time. Bringing your loved one to annual check-ups allows the physician to stay on top of these changes and make modifications to the treatment plan in order to best deal with the conditions.

Your aging loved one’s annual elderly care check-up is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have or bring up any concerns that may have developed over the course of the year. Though it is likely that your loved one sees multiple doctors throughout the year, these specialized appointments rarely give you the opportunity to discuss his overall health and observations that you have that are not necessarily associated with the condition or issues that that particular physician addresses regularly. Encourage your loved one to make the most of his check-ups so he can enjoy a healthy, productive life.

Spokane Senior in-home care experts at Havenwood Caregiver Services are available to talk with you about your in-home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing in-home care in Spokane, WA. For more information about Senior Care call us at (888) 790-1927.