Most of us take the ability to get in the car to go run some errands or to get somewhere for granted. After all, we are used to being able to drive ourselves wherever it is that we would like to be whenever it is that we would like to go. However, there is a point for many seniors when they can no longer drive or are no longer able to drive safely, which means that the loved ones in their life are responsible for transporting them around town. This may present many logistical challenges in terms of time, scheduling and effort. If this is the case, then perhaps it is time to consider in-home care assistance to provide necessary transportation for the senior.

Home Care Can Help

Home care assistants can do many things for seniors of all ages and ability, from providing basic cleaning and cooking to more intensive caretaking efforts. In addition, one essential service that care assistants can provide is transportation to doctor’s appointments, to the grocery store, to pick up medicine at the pharmacy, the bank and/or any other errands or events.

Transportation is Easier

Transportation assistance from home care companions is an important benefit for many reasons. For example, it frees up loved ones from having to take time from their own schedule to pick up the senior, transport them to the desired location, pick back up and then drive the senior home, which can be a very time-consuming activity on a regular basis. In addition, it provides the senior with an important sense of freedom and independence since they do not have to wait for their loved one to have the time available to come and take them somewhere.

Have the Driving Discussion

If you have an elderly loved one who is no longer able to drive or whom you are not sure should be driving, have a frank discussion with their primary physician about their driving abilities. After all, driving safely requires a certain action and reaction time in order to be safe and prevent injury to themselves or others. If this safety is in question, perhaps it is time to hire additional care help to make sure the senior can still get to important doctor’s appointments and run errands as before with a trusted home care companion at the helm. Your loved one will maintain a sense of independence and you will maintain a sense of security for their health and safety.

Spokane Senior Home Care experts at Havenwood Caregiver Services are available to talk with you about your home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing home care in Spokane, WA. For more information about home care call us at (509) 535-1546.

Boise Senior Home Care experts at Havenwood Caregiver Services are available to talk with you about your home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing home care in Boise, ID. For more information about home care call us at (208) 327-1011.

Twin Falls Senior Home Care experts at Havenwood Caregiver Services are available to talk with you about your home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing home care in Twin Falls, ID. For more information about home care call us at (208) 358-4772.