Paying For Your In-Home Caregiver

Spokane – Boise – Twin Falls

Most people believe that aging in place and keeping their loved ones in their own home is a better solution than moving them to a facility and in most cases, it can be the less expensive financial alternative.

Paying for long term care is a challenge which many families face. Most people believe that aging in place and keeping their loved ones in their own home is a better solution than moving them to a facility and in most cases, it can be the less expensive financial alternative. Our services allow a loved one to stay in their home when they need just a little support all the way up to needing care around the clock. We work hard to maintain competitive rates. Our offices are automated and run efficiently, allowing us to pay our caregivers a higher than average wage. Our office staff is here to provide client and caregiver support.
paying for in-home caregiver services boise spokane twin falls

Private Pay

We provide help getting ready in the morning or ready for bed in the evening and all the personal care in-between. This includes bathing, dressing and toileting. Many families pay for services out of savings or retirement accounts. Paying privately for home care is a challenge as it can be expensive. If your loved one only needs services a limited number of hours a day or a limited number of days per week, it will be less expensive than moving them to a facility. With Havenwood, you are in charge of the schedule and determine how much or how little service is needed.

Long Term Care Insurance

There are a number of companies which provide long term care insurance. Most long term care insurance policies have a home care service component as part of the coverage. Plans and coverages vary from company to company and from plan to plan. Our office staff can help interpret your loved ones long term care insurance plan, but the best place to start is with your insurance broker or directly with the insurance company.

Area Agency on Aging

There are local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) offices which can direct and provide some services. The services are typically homemaker or respite services. Homemaker services are for limited number of hours per month and allow our caregivers to come in and provide housekeeping and other services which allow your loved one to remain in their home. Respite services are also for a limited hours per month and are provided by the AAA to give the regular caregiver, typically a family member, a break.

Medicaid versus Medicare

If your loved one qualifies for Medicaid, they most likely qualify for long term care. Medicaid will typically pay for our in-home care for a limited number of hours per month. There can be restrictions on the services provided.

Medicare is a form of health insurance and as such, it does not pay for long term care. Depending on your physician’s orders, it can pay for home care services after someone is in the hospital or is going through rehabilitation, but the intent is that your loved one will get better and no longer need home care services.

Compassionate Care You Trust

From the initial visit, we develop a care plan that is personalized to fit you and your loved one’s needs and schedule. We provide you with a written care plan which outlines the specific services provided.

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VA benefits for paying for in-home caregiver services boise spokane twin falls

Veteran Affairs (VA)

The Department of Veteran Affairs offers a wide range of geriatric and extended care services. There are two programs the VA has which help pay for home care.
The Aid and Attendant benefit (A&A) is for Veterans and survivors who are eligible for a VA pension and require the aid and attendance of another person or are housebound. The A&A increases your monthly pension amount which in turn is used to pay for our services.

The Homemaker and Home Health Aide benefit is a program to provide health care services to those Veterans who need home care. The benefits are authorized by VA staff. The VA contracts Havenwood for a limited number of hours per month.

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What Our Clients Say

We could not have gotten through this without all your help & support. Words are not enough. Thank you so much.
The G. Family